Process optimization with Microsoft Business Applications

Increase the potential of your data and processes
Cheerful business colleagues watching a presentation on a laptop

Digitalizing your company processes using low-code and no-code solutions helps you reduce complexity and visualize your results, which is indispensable given today’s large amounts of data.

Microsoft Business Applications

Microsoft Business Applications are our way of giving you a comprehensive overview of your company’s business and processes. These solutions, based on Microsoft Power Platform and Dynamics 365, foster insight and innovation, while helping to break down data silos and connect customers, products, staff and processes. Microsoft Dynamics 365 offers a complete cloud toolbox for ERP, CRM and business intelligence. Power Platform gathers all your business data, using it for apps, analytics, and workflows and to digitalize and automate your processes.

Info graphic : Process optimization with Microsoft 365, Microsoft Dynamics 365 und Microsoft Power Platform

Dynamics 365 and Power Platform applications work together seamlessly to create an integrated solution for your whole company, including sales, marketing, customer service, operations and commerce. You receive all the relevant information in real time and can optimize processes, increase sales opportunities and improve customer experience.
The low-code/no-code approach helps you reduce project runtimes and react flexibly when requirements change and expand.

Results and benefits of Microsoft Business Applications

Customer relations

Single interactions become long-term customer relationships

Low Code

Comprehensive, tailored services require only minimal development

360° view

You move away from silos and get a complete, holistic view of collaboration

One platform

Processes and data are united across the whole Microsoft cloud platform


You can enhance, develop and scale applications as required


Artificial intelligence, mixed reality and social functions lead to innovation

How we optimize your processes

Facing up to the challenge of digitally reorganizing your company has rarely been so important. To make this journey as quick and sustainable as possible, it is worth taking an approach that has been tried and tested many times over. We use Microsoft Catalyst and the IDEA framework to help you develop a concept for your digital transformation and implement it for long-term success. We take you through the different phases: Inspire – Design – Empower – Achieve.

  • Inspire – Imagine what the transformation could mean for your company

  • Design – Discover the possibilities of targeted investment in technology.

  • Empower – Get your staff on board using persuasive storytelling

  • Achieve – Reach your goals without a hitch thanks to a roadmap and the right resources

We will give you a clear, long-term perspective in which we help you define your digital transformation journey and prioritize all the steps meaningfully based on your business results. We share our expertise to make sure you’re fully equipped with a detailed view of all Microsoft business applications, a tailored presentation of your vision for stakeholders, and a suitable roadmap including a business case, reference architecture, implementation plan and visual assets.

Logo Microsoft Solution Partner Specialization Digital and App Innovation

Our certified expertise for your added value

novaCapta is the first company in Germany and the second company worldwide to be awarded the Microsoft Specialization "Low Code Application Development". The award guarantees our expertise in creating digital solutions with the Power Platform and related technologies. This expertise has been verified through customer implementations to ensure that we deliver what we promise. The extended specialization intensifies a close collaboration with Microsoft and comes with a number of benefits, from which our customers fully profit.

View of the PUMA Headquarters in Herzogenaurach

PUMA: Platform for low-code/no-code solutions

Thanks to the Microsoft Power Platform, PUMA benefits from customized services that can be created without major development effort. The new business processes can be flexibly expanded, further developed, scaled and centrally tracked via the Center of Excellence.

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We look forward to hearing from you and will be happy to advise you on the right solutions for you in a non-binding meeting. Just leave your contact details and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Navigationsbilc zu Application Development

Application Development

Application Development refers to the process of modifying, designing and/or developing one or more applications. Gaps in the software landscape can be closed by tailoring applications individually to the customer.

Headerbild zu Application Modernization

Application Modernization

Application Modernization focuses on modernizing existing applications. The key to success in Application Modernization is the strategy and selection of projects.

Headerbild zu IBM Decision Optimization

Decision Optimization

Mathematical algorithms enable fast and efficient improvement of partially contradictory specifications. As an integral part of the IBM Data Science platform "Cloud Pak for Data" or "IBM Watson Studio", decision optimisation has been decisively expanded and embedded in the Data Science process.

Headerbild zu Digitale Planung, Forecasting und Optimierung

Demand Planning, Forecasting and Optimization

After the data has been prepared and visualized via dashboards and reports, the task is now to use the data obtained accordingly. Digital planning, forecasting and optimization describes all the capabilities of an IT-supported solution in the company to support users in digital analysis and planning.


Digitized processes increase efficiency

TIMETOACT & X-INTEGRATE accompany energy supplier e-regio on the way to digitalization. The consulting services in the project included the fields of content management, archiving, collaboration and automation.

Headerbild zu Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von Atlassian


Learn how you can integrate Atlassian products into your daily business to make your processes more efficient.

Headerbild zu Data Governance Consulting

Data Governance

Data Governance describes all processes that aim to ensure the traceability, quality and protection of data. The need for documentation and traceability increases exponentially as more and more data from different sources is used for decision-making and as a result of the technical possibilities of integration in Data Warehouses or Data Lakes.

Headerbild von Enterprise Service Management

Enterprise Service Management

Our Enterprise Service Management Solution offers you a way to make Service Management accessible to all participants via an easy-to-use service portal. You can map your processes in this portal according to defined procedures and connect them to other systems. In addition, you relieve the process participants through automation.

Logo Jira Service Management

Jira Service Management from Atlassian

Enable developers, operators, and other teams from different departments to collaborate and improve their service management responsiveness. Respond quickly to incidents, requests, and changes, and provide your customers with an optimized service experience.

Enterprise Architecture Management Consulting Header

Enterprise Architecture – Synchronising Business and IT

With pragmatic approaches and based on industry standards (TOGAF), we support clients in the introduction of an effective EAM.

Headerbild IT Security

IT security – protection against cyber attacks

IT security is becoming more and more important. We help organizations to implement appropriate and effective security structures, processes and controls.


Managing sensitive data through digital personnel files

TIMETOACT enables the digital management of approximately 1600 files and 20,000 personnel documents for Pfalzwerke. Managing and editing sensitive personnel data is now secure, requires less effort and is possible from anywhere.


Advice around Mendix

Develop your solutions quickly and independently in low-code with the leading technology vendor. Use the Mendix toolkit and model your applications with visual elements.

Headerbild zu Microsoft FinOps

FinOps Microsoft - Microsoft Cloud Cost Optimization

TIMETOACT offers license management and compliance consulting in the Microsoft area, as well as technical consulting (e.g. on the use of Azure Services).


Application Integration & Process Automation

Digitizing and improving business processes and responding agilely to change – more and more companies are facing these kind of challenges. This makes it all the more important to take new business opportunities through integrated and optimized processes based on intelligent, digitally networked systems.

Navigationsbild zu Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence (BI) is a technology-driven process for analyzing data and presenting usable information. On this basis, sound decisions can be made.

Teaserbild zu IT-Strategie Beratung

IT strategy – A clear goal and the way to achieve it

The IT strategy provides you with the plan for the long-term development of your IT organisation, necessary technologies, processes and digital culture.

Teaserbild IT Service Management Beratung

IT Service Management – Optimal support for IT processes

IT should be customer and service oriented. We help you implement effective and efficient IT service management

Header Konnzeption individueller Business Intelligence Lösungen

Conception of individual Analytics and Big Data solutions

We determine the best approach to develop an individual solution from the professional, role-specific requirements – suitable for the respective situation!

Teaserbild zu Data Integration Service und Consulting

Data Integration, ETL and Data Virtualization

While the term "ETL" (Extract - Transform - Load / or ELT) usually described the classic batch-driven process, today the term "Data Integration" extends to all methods of integration: whether batch, real-time, inside or outside a database, or between any systems.

Headerbild zu Big Data, Data Lake und Data Warehouse

Big Data, Data Lake & Data Warehousing

For the optimal solution – with special consideration of the business requirements – we combine different functionalities.

Headerbild zur FinOps Consulting

FinOps Consulting

We advise you both commercially and technically on how to gain transparency over your cloud costs and how to reduce them sustainably.

Navigationsbild zu Data Science

Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

For some time, Data Science has been considered the supreme discipline in the recognition of valuable information in large amounts of data. It promises to extract hidden, valuable information from data of any structure.

Atlassian Logo

Bamboo, Bitbucket, Sourcetree

Continuous Integration and a Continuous Delivery Pipeline with Bamboo, Bitbucket and Sourcetree. We can help you with our years of experience as a user as well as a solution partner of Atlassian products in many areas.

Logo Atlassian Confluence

Confluence from Atlassian

Create, organize, and collaborate on tasks - all in a single place. Confluence is a workspace for teams and organizations where you can store your documentation and collaboratively develop and share knowledge. Dynamic pages give your team a place to create, capture, and collaborate around projects or idea development.

Headerbild IT Asset Management

IT Asset Management – Reducing Costs and Risks Sustainably

We help customers to increase the transparency of IT assets in use, identify potential savings for hardware and software, and avoid compliance risks at the same time.

HCL Leap & Volt

HCL Leap and Volt

An intranet has the potential for a fully functional digital workplace. To achieve this, the individual user must have access to various tools.

Headerbild zu Dashboards und Reports

Dashboards & Reports

The discipline of Business Intelligence provides the necessary means for accessing data. In addition, various methods have developed that help to transport information to the end user through various technologies.

Headerbild IT Controlling

IT Controlling – Determination and allocation of IT costs

We help to make IT controlling processes efficient and effective and to introduce suitable procedures for the internal allocation of IT costs.

Headerbild zu IBM Cloud Pak for Data Accelerator

IBM Cloud Pak for Data Accelerator

For a quick start in certain use cases, specifically for certain business areas or industries, IBM offers so-called accelerators based on the "Cloud Pak for Data" solution, which serve as a template for project development and can thus significantly accelerate the implementation of these use cases. The platform itself provides all the necessary functions for all types of analytics projects, and the accelerators provide the respective content.


Smarter mobility with the portal switchh

Subway, S-Bahn, bus, car, ferry or bicycle: The pilot project "switchh" of HOCHBAHN in cooperation with Europcar and Car2Go makes Hamburg mobile.

IT Demand Management Teaser

Demand Management – Clarity on IT needs

We help to determine your effective IT needs, e.g. for workstations with Microsoft Office 365. Save money by only buying what you really need.


Semper uses TIMETOACT Vacation Manager as SaaS

Maximum convenience in vacation management: educational institution benefits from user-friendliness of M365-compatible TIMETOACT solution.