Software, Mobile & Web App Development

Standard software often cannot completely fulfill a company's own requirements - TIMETOACT therefore develops customized solutions for you.

Nowadays, people feel that there is already a corresponding software solution for every need - but in our experience, this is not the case: company-specific requirements are often so complex - due to compliance guidelines, the existing software landscape, etc. - that they cannot be met by standardized software.

Technological progress is bringing many changes to software development as well: with container technologies and Docker, applications can be designed more flexibly than ever before. More and more companies are replacing their monolithic applications so that they can take full advantage of the technology. Meanwhile, cloud-native is the standard approach when it comes to software development. 

The development process itself is now also focused on different principles: instead of the waterfall project methodology, projects are now carried out in an agile manner. This means that the project does not run in a rigid framework, but that it is coordinated with the customer several times during the process, at smaller intervals - this makes it possible to respond flexibly to requirements that arise in the meantime and generally leads to shorter development times as well as increased customer satisfaction.

Furthermore, applications today need to be developed for a number of different platforms: in addition to traditional desktop applications, there is often a need for a mobile and/or tablet variant. Hybrid mobile apps and cross-platform apps can run on any device, regardless of the operating system. However, the development of such applications requires profound know-how, as the number of frameworks for programming apps is constantly growing and existing tools are constantly being developed.

TIMETOACT's experts have been developing custom software, as well as mobile and web apps, for years and have programming skills in a variety of languages - ensuring that you get the perfect solution developed for your needs. Our developers receive ongoing training and are therefore able to use state-of-the-art technologies for your software - based on modern project management methods such as Agile (and including Scrum). To ensure ongoing communication with the customer, we rely on collaboration tools.

Our offer

Full Stack Development

Software, mobile and web applications

Application Modernization

Run your apps in any environment

Requirements Engineering

The basic building block of a development project.

Interested? Feel free to contact us!

Olaf Schermann
TIMETOACT GROUP Österreich GmbHContact

Application Integration & Process Automation

Digitizing and improving business processes and responding agilely to change – more and more companies are facing these kind of challenges. This makes it all the more important to take new business opportunities through integrated and optimized processes based on intelligent, digitally networked systems.


Cloud Transformation & Container Technologies

Public, private or hybrid? We can help you develop your cloud strategy so you can take full advantage of the technology.


Managed Service: Mailroom

In the TIMETOACT mailroom, business documents are converted into data in a highly efficient manner and returned securely to the end customer for further processing.

Navigationsbilc zu Application Development

Application Development

Application Development refers to the process of modifying, designing and/or developing one or more applications. Gaps in the software landscape can be closed by tailoring applications individually to the customer.

Header zu Fullstack Development

Fullstack Development

The trend in Software Development is towards Full-Stack Development. Full-stack developers are programmers who work in both frontend and backend development and thus have competencies in the areas of databases, servers, systems and clients.

Headerbild zu Agile Softwareentwicklung

Agile Software Development

A project rarely turns out as it was initially planned. Agility does not only apply to Project Management, but also to methods and processes of Software Development in order to avoid risks and undesirable developments during the process.

Teaserbild zu Data Integration Service und Consulting

Data Integration, ETL and Data Virtualization

While the term "ETL" (Extract - Transform - Load / or ELT) usually described the classic batch-driven process, today the term "Data Integration" extends to all methods of integration: whether batch, real-time, inside or outside a database, or between any systems.

Navigationsbild zu Data Science

Data Science, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

For some time, Data Science has been considered the supreme discipline in the recognition of valuable information in large amounts of data. It promises to extract hidden, valuable information from data of any structure.

Headerbild zu Digitale Planung, Forecasting und Optimierung

Demand Planning, Forecasting and Optimization

After the data has been prepared and visualized via dashboards and reports, the task is now to use the data obtained accordingly. Digital planning, forecasting and optimization describes all the capabilities of an IT-supported solution in the company to support users in digital analysis and planning.

Headerbild IT Asset Management

IT Asset Management – Reducing Costs and Risks Sustainably

We help customers to increase the transparency of IT assets in use, identify potential savings for hardware and software, and avoid compliance risks at the same time.

Enterprise Architecture Management Consulting Header

Enterprise Architecture – Synchronising Business and IT

With pragmatic approaches and based on industry standards (TOGAF), we support clients in the introduction of an effective EAM.

Christoph HasenzaglChristoph HasenzaglBlog

Common Mistakes in the Development of AI Assistants

How fortunate that people make mistakes: because we can learn from them and improve. We have closely observed how companies around the world have implemented AI assistants in recent months and have, unfortunately, often seen them fail. We would like to share with you how these failures occurred and what can be learned from them for future projects: So that AI assistants can be implemented more successfully in the future!

Headerbild zu Application Modernization

Application Modernization

Application Modernization focuses on modernizing existing applications. The key to success in Application Modernization is the strategy and selection of projects.

Headerbild IT Controlling

IT Controlling – Determination and allocation of IT costs

We help to make IT controlling processes efficient and effective and to introduce suitable procedures for the internal allocation of IT costs.

Headerbild zu Lizenzanalyse und Lizenzberatung.

License analysis and license consulting

Only well-founded information can serve as a basis for meaningful decisions or budgeting. Therefore, we are happy to offer you an inventory of your licenses and our experts will also analyze your infrastructure.

Header Konnzeption individueller Business Intelligence Lösungen

Conception of individual Analytics and Big Data solutions

We determine the best approach to develop an individual solution from the professional, role-specific requirements – suitable for the respective situation!

Header zu Requirement Engineering

Requirement Engineering

Requirement Engineering, also known as Requirements Analysis, is a central component of the Software Development process. In this process, the requirements for the system to be developed are defined using a systematic procedure.

Teaserbild zu Software Asset Management (SAM)

Reduce your costs with Software Asset Management (SAM)!

Companies find it increasingly difficult to keep track of the software they use. We support you in this!

Headerbild zu Managed Services

Managed Services & Support

Our Managed Services ensure that applications are operated for you with a holistic understanding of infrastructure, licenses, support, applications and the corresponding expertise. This is done regardless of whether the application is to be operated at a hyperscale such as IBM Cloud, Google, AWS, Azure or onPrem.

Teaserbild zu IT-Strategie Beratung

IT strategy – A clear goal and the way to achieve it

The IT strategy provides you with the plan for the long-term development of your IT organisation, necessary technologies, processes and digital culture.

Teaserbild zu Lizenz- und Vertragsoptimierung.

License and contract optimization

Based on the license analysis, we check the feasibility of potential savings from both a technological and commercial point of view.

Headerbild zu Datenbank Consulting

Database technologies

Flexible, secure and fast database systems form the stable basis of your daily work. We manage your databases optimally.

Rinat AbdullinRinat AbdullinBlog

The Intersection of AI and Voice Manipulation

The advent of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in text-to-speech (TTS) technologies has revolutionized the way we interact with written content. Natural Readers, standing at the forefront of this innovation, offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to cater to a broad spectrum of needs, from personal leisure to educational support and commercial use. As we delve into the capabilities of Natural Readers, it's crucial to explore both the advantages it brings to the table and the ethical considerations surrounding voice manipulation in TTS technologies.

Navigationsbild zu Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence

Business Intelligence (BI) is a technology-driven process for analyzing data and presenting usable information. On this basis, sound decisions can be made.

Headerbild zu Data Vault

Data Vault Modeling Approach

Data Vault is a modeling technique that is particularly suitable for agile Data Warehouses. It offers high flexibility for extensions, complete historization of data and allows parallelization of data loading processes. Data Vault supports without significantly increasing the complexity of the Data Warehouse over time.

Headerbild zu Big Data, Data Lake und Data Warehouse

Big Data, Data Lake & Data Warehousing

For the optimal solution – with special consideration of the business requirements – we combine different functionalities.

Headerbild zu FinOps


Gain visibility into your cloud costs and sustainably reduce them by applying best practices from FinOps.

Headerbild zu Operationalisierung von Data Science (MLOps)

Operationalization of Data Science (MLOps)

Data and Artificial Intelligence (AI) can support almost any business process based on facts. Many companies are in the phase of professional assessment of the algorithms and technical testing of the respective technologies.

Headerbild IT Security

IT security – protection against cyber attacks

IT security is becoming more and more important. We help organizations to implement appropriate and effective security structures, processes and controls.

Headerbild zu Data Governance Consulting

Data Governance

Data Governance describes all processes that aim to ensure the traceability, quality and protection of data. The need for documentation and traceability increases exponentially as more and more data from different sources is used for decision-making and as a result of the technical possibilities of integration in Data Warehouses or Data Lakes.

IT Demand Management Teaser

Demand Management – Clarity on IT needs

We help to determine your effective IT needs, e.g. for workstations with Microsoft Office 365. Save money by only buying what you really need.

Teaserbild IT Service Management Beratung

IT Service Management – Optimal support for IT processes

IT should be customer and service oriented. We help you implement effective and efficient IT service management

Headerbild zur FinOps Consulting

FinOps Consulting

We advise you both commercially and technically on how to gain transparency over your cloud costs and how to reduce them sustainably.

Teaserbild Enterprise Content Management (ECM) Beratung

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) & Archiving

With Enterprise Content Management (ECM), all data, information and documents are stored, archived and managed in a context-related manner on a single platform. ECM systems offer numerous advantages for managing the increasing number of (un)structured electronic documents and data.

Headerbild zu Dashboards und Reports

Dashboards & Reports

The discipline of Business Intelligence provides the necessary means for accessing data. In addition, various methods have developed that help to transport information to the end user through various technologies.

Daniel PuchnerBlog

Make Your Value Stream Visible Through Structured Logging

Boost your value stream visibility with structured logging. Improve traceability and streamline processes in your software development lifecycle.

Headerbild zu Projektmanagement standardisieren und optimieren

Standardize and optimize project management | Atlassian

With defined standard templates, you can easily optimize your project management and use BigPicture to keep track of the status of your project, dependencies between tasks, and the planning and workload of your team.

Rinat AbdullinRinat AbdullinBlog

Machine Learning Pipelines

In this first part, we explain the basics of machine learning pipelines and showcase what they could look like in simple form. Learn about the differences between software development and machine learning as well as which common problems you can tackle with them.

Aqeel AlazreeBlog

Part 4: Save Time and Analyze the Database File

ChatGPT-4 enables you to analyze database contents with just two simple steps (copy and paste), facilitating well-informed decision-making.

IT Vendor Management Teaserbild

IT Sourcing & Vendor Management – Managing IT Partners

We ensure the application of best practice methods for the selection and evaluation of IT vendors and service providers and for cost-optimized supplier management.

Headerbild zu Microsoft FinOps

FinOps Microsoft - Microsoft Cloud Cost Optimization

TIMETOACT offers license management and compliance consulting in the Microsoft area, as well as technical consulting (e.g. on the use of Azure Services).

Ian RusselIan RusselBlog

Introduction to Functional Programming in F#

Dive into functional programming with F# in our introductory series. Learn how to solve real business problems using F#'s functional programming features. This first part covers setting up your environment, basic F# syntax, and implementing a simple use case. Perfect for developers looking to enhance their skills in functional programming.

Headerbild von Enterprise Service Management

Enterprise Service Management

Our Enterprise Service Management Solution offers you a way to make Service Management accessible to all participants via an easy-to-use service portal. You can map your processes in this portal according to defined procedures and connect them to other systems. In addition, you relieve the process participants through automation.


Enterprise Content Management (ECM) & Archiving

With Enterprise Content Management (ECM), all data, information and documents are stored, archived and managed in a context-related manner on a single platform. ECM systems offer numerous advantages for managing the increasing number of (un)structured electronic documents and data.

Rinat AbdullinRinat AbdullinBlog

LLM Performance Series: Batching

Beginning with the September Trustbit LLM Benchmarks, we are now giving particular focus to a range of enterprise workloads. These encompass the kinds of tasks associated with Large Language Models that are frequently encountered in the context of large-scale business digitalization.

Aqeel AlazreeBlog

Part 1: Data Analysis with ChatGPT

In this new blog series we will give you an overview of how to analyze and visualize data, create code manually and how to make ChatGPT work effectively. Part 1 deals with the following: In the data-driven era, businesses and organizations are constantly seeking ways to extract meaningful insights from their data. One powerful tool that can facilitate this process is ChatGPT, a state-of-the-art natural language processing model developed by OpenAI. In Part 1 pf this blog, we'll explore the proper usage of data analysis with ChatGPT and how it can help you make the most of your data.

Rinat AbdullinRinat AbdullinBlog

5 Inconvenient Questions when hiring an AI company

This article discusses five questions you should ask when buying an AI. These questions are inconvenient for providers of AI products, but they are necessary to ensure that you are getting the best product for your needs. The article also discusses the importance of testing the AI system on your own data to see how it performs.

Person gießt eine junge grüne Pflanze, Wassertropfen fallen von den Fingerspitzen, symbolisch für nachhaltige Praktiken, ähnlich denen der Envizi ESG Suite für Umweltmanagement.

Enterprise Content Management (ECM) & Archiving

With Enterprise Content Management (ECM), all data, information and documents are stored, archived and managed in a context-related manner on a single platform. ECM systems offer numerous advantages for managing the increasing number of (un)structured electronic documents and data.


Enterprise Content Management (ECM) & Archiving

With Enterprise Content Management (ECM), all data, information and documents are stored, archived and managed in a context-related manner on a single platform. ECM systems offer numerous advantages for managing the increasing number of (un)structured electronic documents and data.

Nina DemuthBlog

Trustbit ML Lab Welcomes Grayskull e150 by Tenstorrent

Discover how Trustbit ML Lab integrates Tenstorrent's Grayskull e150, led by Jim Keller, for cutting-edge, energy-efficient AI processing.

Aqeel AlazreeBlog

Part 2: Data Analysis with powerful Python

Analyzing and visualizing data from a SQLite database in Python can be a powerful way to gain insights and present your findings. In Part 2 of this blog series, we will walk you through the steps to retrieve data from a SQLite database file named gold.db and display it in the form of a chart using Python. We'll use some essential tools and libraries for this task.